The Secret to Happiness AND Success? A Few Hints.

The Secret to Happiness AND Success? A Few Hints on Company Culture.

We realized a long time ago that our organization’s culture was going to be critical to our success. We wanted to create a workplace in which people are trusted, valued, where we give back to the community, and where people want to grow. In fact, at one point, we looked around and didn’t feel so good about the culture we were working in at Solid Blend. We set about to make some purposeful changes to create our ideal culture, and have implemented significant changes, including having our employees score the entire organization monthly on how their month is going.

We know that our employees are our most important assets, and we want to make sure they know how much they are valued. We want our employees to come to work knowing that their contributions make a difference, so we put a significant emphasis on — and dedicated time to — creating a strong thriving culture.

Our leadership team spent about two years creating a formal plan focused on how to create our ideal culture, and that plan is still evolving to this day. As a company, we hold one another accountable for living our values so we can truly live out our vision, purpose and mission each day. This begins on the very first day with our interview process. We want to know that any candidate can be a successful team member, ensuring success for our clients and our community.

Our culture is the best way we can measure our organizational health and the heartbeat of this company. The Solid Blend team regularly scores the company on a scale of 1 to 10. Most recently, our team rated us at 8.29. At the heart of this score is communication.

Communication is the key to any good relationship, and company culture is built on strong relationships. It’s easy to have great conversations, but we’re also ready for the not-so-good conversations that make a big impact. Speaking of impact, our culture stretches beyond our team’s daily tasks.

We Make a Difference in the Community

  • We support Good Shepherd Ministries and Good Neighbor House to pay it forward. Our support runs the gamut, from in-kind services to financial to hiring.
  • We provide water treatment at no cost for Hospice of Dayton and other nonprofit organizations.

We Make a Difference for Our Employees

  • We host an annual Dayton Dragons company outing for our team members and their families.
  • Our team is invited on an annual fishing trip.
  • Each week, team members are asked to share where they’ve witnessed others who have been living Solid Blend’s vision, purpose, mission and values.
The Secret to Happiness AND Success? A Few Hints on Company Culture.

Creating, Preserving and Fixing a Company Culture

As company culture is becoming more and more important to people looking for jobs, businesses are working hard to establish their culture. Creating and preserving a strong, thriving company culture begins with building trust and being transparent. Showcase your values to your employees and hold everyone, including upper management, accountable for living them out.

No matter how much work you do or how much you think your company culture is great, sometimes it’s going to fall short. When our culture wasn’t where we wanted it to be, we knew that we weren’t happy, and our team wasn’t happy. The leadership team began to look at ourselves and see where we could make changes. We established a way to have conversations focused on growth for the company and for our individual employees.

Solid Blend is rooted in a strong, thriving company culture, and our employees come to work committed and ready to do a great job for our customers. We pride ourselves on having a trusting environment where everyone has a voice in the organization, and we can attribute much of that to listening to our employees and working hard to provide a thriving culture. We support our team members as individuals as well as a collective team. Our culture benefits our employees, our customers, and our community as a whole. We are proud to be Solid Blend.


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