What do an eraser, a drum set, and guacamole have in common? – Chris Miller

What do an eraser, a drum set, and guacamole have in common? - Chris Miller

We could talk about culture for probably 23 more blogs. We’ll spare you. We’re going to let our team talk to you about it, instead. They’re a lot of fun, and we hope you agree.

Meet Chris

He prefers coffee over tea (don’t we all?!), guacamole over queso (now this, this is a topic up for debate), and camping over a resort stay. He is a case manager and our resident rapid responder. Chris is curious, prepared, and an expert at his craft.

Chris is an ASSE Certified Legionella Water Safety and Management Specialist. He was actually one of the first 50 people in the country to receive this certification. In the COUNTRY, folks! That’s a big deal. He’s a big deal! (He’s not one to brag about himself, but we sure are.)

“I feel very lucky to have found Solid Blend. I have always known that work could be fun and exciting with the right team and now I not only know of a place like that…. I work here!”

When asked to describe Solid Blend’s culture in one word, Chris said, “Rare.” This is something we’re proud of, and something we work hard to guard. We’re just so lucky to have Chris on our team. Here’s more from him on what he does, and how he does it, at Solid Blend.


What about your job gets you up in the morning?

“Being able to help healthcare companies protect their clients from waterborne pathogens. When I can respond rapidly yet calmly with all of the tools and knowledge that it takes to help people out of a scary situation, it makes me feel like I am making a difference. I love that feeling.”

Excuse us while we get the chills all over. This is why we do what we do!


What’s your day-to-day like at Solid Blend?

“I will typically be working on water management plans when I inevitably receive a call that we are needed for a case investigation. That is when I immediately shift gears Doug briefly gives me all of the pertinent information on the case in an order and manner that is specifically designed for my personality. This is very important. If he gave me a typical high level read on the case, I would not be at my full potential. He knows my strengths and weaknesses and will not bog me down with unrelated information that is not needed for my response.

I take this information and hop in my pre-loaded truck where I will arrive on-site anywhere in Ohio within 4 hours of the call. I can do this because I can call my team from the road. I will usually call my service manager and give him directions for any additional chemical and filter orders while en route and he will have all materials ordered and delivered before I can even arrive on site.

Our culture is the reason why I can respond the way I do. If we didn’t have such a great culture, I would not have the support or tailored communication styles that allow me to do my job at this level.”


What problem do you most enjoy solving?

“I am extremely curious. My favorite thing is to arrive at a site that we know has Legionella bacteria, find out where, how and why it is there and then start eradicating that bacteria.”

See him in action:

What’s a special skill you have that people may not know about?

I have played the drums since I was six years old.


What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?

I love to spend the day working in the yard, playing with the kids and then top it off with a solid back yard BBQ with good music and family.

To us, this sounds like a party at Chris’ house – BBQ and a Chris Miller drum concert, sign us up!


If you were an office supply at the Solid Blend office, what would you be?

“The eraser. I make the problems go away!”

Smart, and clever. What more could we ask for? With all of that, he seems fine and dandy, right? Well, there is one grievance he has. We’re all about transparency, so here goes:

Someone give Ken a call and tell him to bring in the Monday biscuits, we can’t lose this guy!


Do you have water management challenges? Let our expert, rapid response team members – like Chris – help you solve them. Plus, we’re not just stopping here – we said 23 blogs, remember? Stay tuned to meet the rest of our incredible team.

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