Solid Blend Case Managers IAPMO Certification

Solid Blend Case Managers IAPMO Certification

Solid Blend Case Managers Certified as Legionella Water Safety and Management Specialists 

Dayton, OH (September 3, 2020)  – Solid Blend, a Dayton-based water technologies company specializing in water management and Legionella detection and remediation, announced today that two case managers have been certified as Legionella Water Safety and Management Specialists by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO). The certification recognizes their completion of a three-day ASSE 12080 training program offered by the IAPMO in conjunction with Special Pathogens Laboratory (SPL). 

The training is especially relevant now, since buildings such as schools and offices that sat unused during COVID-19 restrictions are now returning to use, and the water that sat stagnant for months can be at higher risk of carrying waterborne pathogens, like Legionella, the bacteria that causes Legionnaires’ disease. As the New York Times reported on August 27, “Legionella could lurk in the water supplies of school buildings, and some measures to keep people in schools safe from coronavirus may even increase risks from deadly illnesses caused by the bacteria. Last week in Ohio, officials found Legionella at five schools in an assortment of towns.” 

The course included training on the development of a risk assessment analysis, and water management and sampling plan, for protection from Legionella and other waterborne pathogens. Doug Dolder and Chris Miller, case managers at Solid Blend,  both completed the three-day training with IAPMO and passed the certification test.  

“Water safety and the ability to provide the most up-to-date counsel for our clients is our top priority,” said Lois Elrich, president of Solid Blend. “This certification not only adds to the expertise of our team, but gives our clients an extra layer of confidence in knowing that we will develop water management plans that protect their facility’s water, and the people who use it. We’re proud of Doug Dolder and Chris Miller, and the professionalism and knowledge they bring to our team.” 

ASSE Series 12000 was developed as a curriculum specifically for pipe trade workers, maintenance personnel, and other construction craftspeople, based on an industry consensus of standards. Completion of the course and passing of the final exam demonstrates a requisite knowledge, understanding, and competency to serve as a member of a facility’s water safety team to help protect against Legionella outbreaks and react to one appropriately should it occur.  

“When you’re in our position, learning never stops,” said Dolder. “We’re consistently seeking opportunities to heighten our understanding of the latest technology, and the timing seems especially pertinent right now, given the uptick of Legionella being found in schools and other buildings. Safeguarding water is our purpose, and our new knowledge helps us defend it even better.”  

For information about the ASSE 12080 standard, visit



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